Calgary Public Library

The emperor of lies, by Steven Sem-Sandberg ; translated from the Swedish by Sarah Death

The emperor of lies, by Steven Sem-Sandberg ; translated from the Swedish by Sarah Death
Form of composition
Format of music
not applicable
Literary text for sound recordings
not applicablefiction
Main title
The emperor of lies
Music parts
not applicable
Responsibility statement
by Steven Sem-Sandberg ; translated from the Swedish by Sarah Death
In February 1940, the Nazis established what would become the second-largest Jewish ghetto in the Polish city of Lódz. Its chosen leader: Mordechai Chaim Rumkowski, a sixty-three-year-old Jewish businessman and orphanage director - and the elusive, authoritarian power sustaining the ghetto's very existence. Chronicles the tale of Rumkowski's monarchical rule over a quarter-million Jews for the next four years. Driven by ambition, he sought to transform the ghetto into a productive industrial complex and strove to make it - and himself - indispensable to the Nazi regime. Was Rumkowski a ruthless opportunist, an accessory to the Nazi regime driven by a lust for power? Or was he a pragmatic strategist who managed to save Jewish lives through his collaboration policies? 2011
Target audience
Transposition and arrangement
not applicable